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Message: #07906

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[EP-tech] Strange button behaviour


 I've 2 almost identical Eprints installation, one for production and
one for testing. I'm very conservative in changing something in
production, more free in testing.

Yesterday I've found that the Search Items button (Admin panel ->
Editorial tools) redirect to the same page. In testing it works and the
html form is correct:

<form method="get" accept-charset="utf-8" action="/cgi/users/home">
  <input name="screen" id="screen" value="Staff::EPrintSearch"
  <input value="Search items" class="ep_form_action_button" type="submit">

while in production I've:

<form method="get" accept-charset="utf-8" action="/cgi/users/home">
  <input name="screen" id="screen" value="Admin" type="hidden">
  <input class="ep_form_action_button" value="Search items" type="submit">

As you can see, the production have "Admin" (the name of the main
plugin) as hidden value instead of Staff::EPrintSearch. Where can I
check this wrong behaviour? I've found the various plugin code, for
example Admin prints "actions" in button but I still have to find how
the "Admin" came out instead of "Staff::EPrintSearch".

Latest modification has been only on javascript and abstract rendering,
seems unrelated to this problem.

Thanks for any hint/help.