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Message: #07825

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[EP-tech] Online catch-up re EPrints / CRediT

Dear all


This was sent out earlier in the week to the EPrints User Group – am sending also to tech-list in case anyone is interested in joining us.


We are planning to host an informal catch-up for half an hour on Friday 17th May to talk about adding author contributions/roles to EPrint items using CRediT ( https://www.casrai.org/credit.html )


You may have seen CRediT being used increasingly by publishers ( e.g. https://wellcomeopenresearch.org/about/policies#aaa  or https://openscience.bmj.com/pages/policies/#CREDIT )


We have done some testing of this at the University of Glasgow, and would like to see if there's interest in the EPrints community on building on this to develop a plugin that we can all use, so the meeting will be of interest to potential plugin developers as well as EPrints users / administrators.


Details of the meeting are below - you can just join using the link - but it would be really useful if you could let us know if you are interested beforehand so we can gauge numbers!





Topic: EPrints / CRediT

Time: May 17, 2019 11:30 AM London


Join Zoom Meeting
