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Message: #07743

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Re: [EP-tech] please close the Bazaar

Excuse me but, for example, Recollect has the epmi in github but it is
not syncronized with the one in Bazaar. Orcid plugins and Datacite on
Bazaar are on unknown state, I cannot know if they're the latest with
less bug or more features.

If you start a new site today, will you blindly install them from Bazaar?

I suggest to certify in some way the plugins which are ok, which are
updated or current. Or have someone who does the check regularly and
upload them on bazaar. We know developers has the skill to use epmi, but
you shouldn't need to became a developer to know if a particular plugin
works or if it is ok.

If Orcid and Datacite are so important, and they are, it shouldn't be
difficult to find info about how to install and use them and be sure
you're doing the right thing.

Note: most epmi came with a local repository config, so you've also to
manage updates on config or document them clearly. Otherwise you've to
be an Eprint developer with a deep knowledge of it and not a simple

Il 26/03/19 18:05, Will Fyson via Eprints-tech ha scritto:
Hi All,

I think there is a positive case to be made for the Bazaar - it
remains one of the easiest ways to package and deploy content in a
modular fashion and is used quite routinely by a number of
repositories and developers. A number of recent developments such as
the Generic Reporting Framework, ORCID plugins, DataCite DOI plugin
and the REF plugins (admittedly REF is only of interest to UK
institutions) have been quite popular - and I believe there may be
some new plugins on the way soon such as a plugin to support Digital
Science's Dimensions badges. Working on a Bazaar plugin is also quite
a useful focal point for developers from different organisations and
institutions to collaborate on a particular bit of functionality where
there is shared interest.

However I agree that there is a lot of old stuff in the repository
that is no longer supported, out-of-date or buggy. We introduced a
concept of accolades to try and make it clear which plugins are
approved, supported and useful, and it should be possible to filter
Bazaar plugins by accolades, as listed in the "Available" tab of an
EPrints repository's admin Bazaar interface via a dropdown menu on
EPrints 3.3.14+.  We'll look into making further changes to the
"Available" Bazaar interface however to try and include more metadata
(such as documentation links), and to filter out any plugins without
an accolade by default.

Many thanks,


*From:* Denis Pitzalis Via Eprints-tech <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
[eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk] *Sent:* 25 March 2019 16:37 *To:*
Eprints-tech <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk> *Subject:* Re: [EP-tech]
please close the Bazaar


On 25/03/2019 17:06, Yuri via Eprints-tech wrote:
Please do it.

It is full of old and buggy plugins. In github you've all the plugin
updated but Bazaar shows no update on them. No button  to check if a new
version is available and no documentation on how to discover it. How can
this works?

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*Denis Pitzalis, PhD <mailto:d.pitzalis@unesco.org>*
Web Architect/Lead Developer

7, place de Fontenoy
75007 Paris France
Tel. +33 (0) 145681816


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