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Message: #07715

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[EP-tech] EPrints 404 file not found, but file still exist


I just checked in the Google Search Console and found about 895 files not found. One example is http://sir.stikom.edu/id/eprint/1320/4/BAB_IV.pdf, and when I open the url, there is indeed an error like the following screenshot.


But when I check directly to the location on the ARCHIVE/documents/disk0/00/00/13/20/04/ the file exists. Why did this happen? Are there problems in the EPrints database that cause the file to be considered missing?

I know, this error can be solved by re-uploading the file. However, this automatically creates multiple files even in different folders.

I assume, this error comes from the database, but I do not know how to fix it. Maybe someone can give input or a solution to this problem?

Thank you.

Best regards,
Agung Prasetyo W.

Life isn't valuable if you don't have someone to care

IG & Twitter : prazetyo