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Message: #07442

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[EP-tech] Wiki editing questions

Hi all,
I’ve been starting to make some changes to wiki pages and I’m trying to clean out (or at least categorise) old material as I identify it.

Q1: I want to merge the Categories Deprecated, Obsolete, and Out of Date.

Is there someone I should be talking to with a longer involvement who might have abetter feeling for why the separate categories exist?

Q2: Who do I ask for permission to delete pages?

I can keep putting things in Category::Rubbish but that doesn’t make them Go Away .

An example of a safe delete (in my view) is https://wiki.eprints.org/w/index.php?title=/var/&action="">

If deleting is retained for WikiSysop I’ll just need to occasionally chase someone to clean out Category::Rubbish.


Karl Goetz,  Senior Library Officer (Library Systems)
University of Tasmania, Private Bag 25, Hobart 7001
Available Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

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