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Message: #07419

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[EP-tech] Eprints 3.4 Login Status do not appear

I just upgraded from 3.3.12 to 3.4 and it seems to run successfully, although there are some errors that can finally be resolved.

However, the problem is that the login status link does not appear on the front page. But if I type http://domain.local/cgi/users/login in the url, the login page and password appear. When I enter a user and password, the admin page also appears perfectly.

This login link will not appear when I logout or open the repository from the front page.

In the archives/archive_name/cfg/templates/default.xml file, there are also lines of code like the following:
<table class = "ep_tm_searchbar">
           <td align = "left">
             <epc: pin ref = "login_status" />
           </ td>
         </ tr>
       </ table>



If anyone has a solution to this problem, please help.

Thank you.
Agung Prasetyo Wibowo

Life isn't valuable if you don't have someone to care

IG & Twitter : prazetyo