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Message: #07368

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Re: [EP-tech] Contents of Eprints-tech Digest, Vol 118, Issue 13

On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 3:57 PM, Enio Carboni <enio.carboni@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Aris Kurniawan,

 from your "ls" it would seem that you modified the "process_stats" file since there is an equivalent with the final "~".
What do you have in line 12 (where compilation aborted) of the "process_stats" file? (see the original and compare it: https://github.com/eprints/irstats2/blob/master/bin/stats/process_stats#L12 )

 Enio Carboni

Il 20/07/2018 03:29, Aris Kurniawan ha scritto:
here's my step and error message=

eprints@eprints-unsoed:~$ cd /usr/share/eprints3/archives/repositoryupt/bin/stats

eprints@eprints-unsoed:/usr/share/eprints3/archives/repositoryupt/bin/stats$ ls
import_test_stat_data   import_test_stat_data.epmnew  process_stats~
import_test_stat_data~  process_stats                 process_stats.epmnew

eprints@eprints-unsoed:/usr/share/eprints3/archives/repositoryupt/bin/stats$ perl process_stats repositoryupt --setup --verbose
Can't locate eprints3.pm in @INC (you may need to install the eprints3 module) (@INC contains: /usr/share/eprints3/archives/repositoryupt/bin/stats/../../../../perl_lib /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.18.2 /usr/local/share/perl/5.18.2 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.18 /usr/share/perl/5.18 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at process_stats line 12.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at process_stats line 12.

eprints@eprints-unsoed:/usr/share/eprints3/archives/repositoryupt/bin/stats$ perl process_stats repositoryupt 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null


what happen??? please help how to fix the problem?

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