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Message: #07356

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Re: [EP-tech] ORCID Support Advance Update

Hi Will,

thank you for the new version and fixing two issues thereby.

I don't understand your argumentation for not using a DOI lookup during the import from ORCID process. The data in Crossref which includes some ORCIDs will already have been authorized by the author(s), otherwise the ORCIDs would not be part of Crossref data. Thereby, I see no reason that the users have to authorize again in the repository. I also see no reason why a user want to (manually) replace an ORCID coming from Crossref. Is there a realistic scenario for that? However, even besides the ORCID information, the other bibliographic data from Crossref is much better than the one which can be imported by orcid.org only. Can you reconsider the availability of an DOI import for the ORCID plugin?

Best regards,

Am 11.07.2018 um 16:15 schrieb Will Fyson:
Hi Everyone,

A couple of minor updates have been applied to the ORCID Support Advance plugin,
bringing it up to version 1.3.2.

The updates are only very minor, fixing issues where the plugin was generating a
few too many messages in the indexer and error logs. A Change Log documenting
these most recent changes is available at https://wiki.eprints.org/w/ORCID_Support

Regarding the discussion a couple of emails above in the EP-Tech list ("Import
by DOI in ORCID plugin"), a new DOI imported that takes ORCIDs into account is
not available at present. Due to the requirements that the ORCID field must be
readonly when connected to the member API so that ORCIDs can only be added via
an authoritative source, the ORCID field that is added to the creator/editor
tables cannot be edited. Therefore to stop values from being entered, which then
later cannot be removed, the ORCID field uses the creator/editor 'Email' column
to lookup user profiles in the repository that have connected to orcid.org so
that the creator/editor ORCID field can be verified. As such any ORCID added via
a DOI import, might then be erased if the user profile lookup cannot be made.

This is an issue we're looking into resolving however and so hopefully we should
have some updates on it in the future!

Many thanks,
