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[EP-tech] UK ORCID members' event: Cultivating ORCID - Growing together 28th June

Hey All!

A great event with opportunities for non members to attend, depending on availability - come along and find out all about the benefits and progress across this growing UK community 

Dr Adam Vials Moore

Begin forwarded message:

From: Helen Blanchett <Helen.Blanchett@jisc.ac.uk>
Date: 6 June 2018 at 12:39:33 GMT+1
To: Adam Vials Moore <Adam.VialsMoore@jisc.ac.uk>
Subject: FW: UK ORCID members' event: Cultivating ORCID - Growing together 28th June

Dear all


A reminder that registration is open for this year’s UK ORCID members’ day (open to non-members subject to availability).


Cultivating ORCID - Growing together, 28th June 2018


Aims and objectives:

·         Reflect on progress to date, both in Jisc activity and community implementation

·         Help develop vision for the consortium

·         Feed into new development requirements and shape activity for 2018/19

·         Review next opportunities at a community and institutional level

·         Fostering community of practice ethos


As well as benefiting delegates on the day, the dialogue and the information gathered will help Jisc to enhance support and good practice information.


Date: 28th June 2018

Time: 10.00 to 17.00

Location: Conference, Aston, Birmingham



There will be updates from ORCID and the Jisc support service, opportunities to share and compare experiences with peers and space to discuss approaches and strategies to improve uptake and progress integration.


The full programme and booking form are available here:


*Please note – this timetable may be subject to change*


Who should attend?


The event is open to Jisc UK ORCID consortium members and prospective members, but if there is high demand for spaces priority may be given to staff from consortium member organisations.


Please contact me if you have any queries about the event.


Best wishes




Helen Blanchett
Scholarly communications subject specialist

T 0203 819 8277
M 07468 726 835
Skype helen.blanchett
Twitter @hblanchett
2nd Floor, City Quadrant, 11 Waterloo Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4DP




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