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Message: #07317

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Re: [EP-tech] Link item with parent division

eprint_fields_automatic.pl /eprint_fields_default.pl ?

Il 22/05/2018 12:45, Roth-Steiner, Roland ha scritto:
Hello all,

maybe theres already a solution for my question:

Given is an item, that ist linked with a subject (division).

Is there a mechanism, that automagically links the item with the parent subject/division?

Thanks and best wishes

Roland Roth-Steiner
M.Sc. Wirtsch.-Inf., Dipl.-Bibl.
. Univ.- und Landesbibliothek
... Elektronische Informationsdienste
... Leitung Digitalisierungszentrum
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+49 (0)6151 16-76280

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