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Message: #07069

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Re: [EP-tech] Default fields on Manage Deposits/Review screens

> or is there another possibility why this might not be getting picked up?
wiki and template seem to be outdated :(

After setting some extra columns interactively I inspected the user's profile and ended up with some new properties ...

You need following line instead, e.g.
$data->{preferences} = [ 'screen.review.columns' => 'eprintid type status_changed userid title' ];

For additional use cases have a look to following lines from my profile:
'screen.listings.filters.buffer' => [ undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, 'divisions:divisions:ANY:EQ:myDevision', undef, undef, undef, undef, undef ],
 'screen.listings.columns.user' => 'userid saved_searches username frequency', 
 'screen.listings.columns.import' => 'importid datestamp userid source_repository description last_run last_success url', 
 'screen.review.columns' => 'date status_changed type keywords abstract repository divisions note creators_name corp_creators title subjects', 
 'Screen::Items/eprint_status' => [ 'inbox', '1', 'buffer', '1', 'archive', '', 'deletion', '' ], 
 'screen.listings.columns.event_queue' => 'status start_time pluginid action params priority', 
 'screen.listings.columns.eprint' => 'eprintid documents divisions title userid eprint_status'
