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Message: #04288

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[EP-tech] IRStats2: activity overview vs. date report

Hello colleagues,

I have recently configured IRStats2.  Everything appears to be working as it should but I have suspicions that the download number reported in the "Activity overview" from the "all items" report is unreliable (available at: http://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/cgi/stats/report).  It hasn't changed since I reprocessed all data last Tuesday (Downloads = 1,017,590); yet, if I run a date report on downloads since Tuesday I derive 4,409.  So, shouldn't the download figure reported in the "Activity overview" now be reading 1,021,999 instead of 1,017,590?

Every other aspect of IRStats2 appears to be behaving normally (inc. the other figures in the "Activity overview") and my daily incremental processing is configured as below.  Anyone got any ideas about what might be going on here?  Is this normal?

Thanks in advance for any help or demystification!


$c->{irstats2}->{datasets} = {

	eprint => { incremental => 0 },	
	access => { filters => [ 'Robots', 'Repeat' ], incremental => 1 },
	history => { incremental => 1 },
#	user => { incremental => 0 },

George Macgregor | Information Services Directorate
Curran Building | University of Strathclyde
Tel: 0141 548 3496
Email: george.macgregor@strath.ac.uk
Web: http://personal.strath.ac.uk/george.macgregor/ 
The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC015263