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Message: #04287

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[EP-tech] Re: What development environments are you using?

On 05/06/15 09:18, Alan.Stiles wrote:
Hi all,

Not specifically a problem, but a query which arose from a
conversation earlierin the week:

Are any of you using an IDE (e.g. eclipse) or similar development
tool to develop eprints functionality, or are you dedicated
vim/nano/emacs/notepad users?

Secondly, is your IDE connected to a git or svn repository (or are
you using something like this with the text editor approach?)

I'm old-skool - I edit in an editor, and and push to a central Git server when I've got stuff I want to save.

I don't treat my EPrints services any different from the rest of the code I work on.


Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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