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Message: #04324

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[EP-tech] Re: What development environments are you using?

i do not a lot of eprints coding but that's the reason why i use
eclipse luna with epic (eclipse perl plugin) which gives me the
ability to keep together different projects, using a good search and
debugger and use git.

On 05.06.2015 10:18, Alan.Stiles wrote:
> Hi all,
> Not specifically a problem, but a query which arose from a conversation earlier in the week:
> Are any of you using an IDE (e.g. eclipse) or similar development tool to develop eprints functionality, or are you dedicated vim/nano/emacs/notepad users?
> Secondly, is your IDE connected to a git or svn repository (or are you using something like this with the text editor approach?)
> Please feel free to respond directly to me to save filling list inboxes with responses and I’ll summarise what I get for the list in a couple of weeks.
> Thanks,
> Alan Stiles
> Digital Repository Developer
> Library Services, The Open University
> oro.open.ac.uk <http://oro.open.ac.uk/>
> -- The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an
> exempt charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland
> (SC 038302). The Open University is authorised and regulated by the
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