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Message: #04289

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[EP-tech] Eprints info for custom summary page

Dear Eprints experts,

I'm using the Recollect plugin, and want to tweak the "recollect_summary_page.xml" to display this information:

* Creators (last_name_1, first_name_1; last-name_2, first_name_2; etc.)
* Year (of publication or last-modification)
* Version

I've seen that I have $item at my disposal and some other fields seem to be directly accessible. E.g.:

<epc:print expr="abstract" />
<epc:print expr="$item.citation('default')" />

However, I have no clue how to get to the information I listed above. I tried several things but I either get a "script error" or a pre-formatted "creators" table, already as a HTML snippet.

Any hints?

Thanks in advance,

Sebastian Nozzi
IT - Senior Software Developer

Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Phone +43-(0)2243 9000-1089
Fax +43-(0)2243 9000-2000
Am Campus 1
A-3400 Klosterneuburg

E-Mail: Sebastian.Nozzi@ist.ac.at
Visit our website: http://www.ist.ac.at