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Message: #03787

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[EP-tech] Re: Batch Edit link doesn't appear (3.3.12)

So, I have solved my problem at last...

It was the phrase "lib/searchexpression:export_section" which was wrong...
I now have corrected it, but the <epc:pin name="tools"/> was missing...

   <epp:phrase id="lib/searchexpression:export_section">
     <table width="100%">
<td align="left">Exporter le résultat (<b><epc:pin name="count"/></b> élément(s)) au format : <epc:pin name="menu"/> <epc:pin name="button"/></td>
         <td align="right"><epc:pin name="feeds"/></td>
         <td align="left" colspan="2">
           <epc:pin name="tools"/>


Le 09/12/2014 20:13, Gilles Fournié a écrit :

We have lost the "Batch Edit" link :-(

We have two repositories : a test one (basically the standard EPrints
repository) and another one we have adapted to our needs (many fields,
one virtual dataset for confidential documents, linked datasets for
authors and corp_creators...)

The BatchEdit link doesn't show up on our customized repository but is
OK on the test repository.

I have looked at both cfg.d files and can't find the reason.
(Both have the eprint/archive/edit role set)

I surely miss something obvious but I can't find what.
Do you have any ideas, please ?

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