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Message: #03665

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[EP-tech] Re: Change EPrint field type.


Not sure if this could solve your problem but I have seen on the wiki that we could disable the full text indexing on text fields...


   text_index => If set to true the the indexer considers this field for full text indexing. Otherwise not.
                 Some types of metadata field have a default of true, for example text and longtext. 

Hope this helps a bit


----- Mail original -----
> All,
> We have an EPrint field that we intended to use to hold ORCIDs
> originally defined as 'type' => 'text' and we have done so and thus
> we have data in the fields already.
> The problem is that an advanced search for an ORCID ID will return
> more than just the exact ORCID ID due to the fuzzy matching imposed
> on a 'text' field.  I was advised to change this to 'type' => 'id'
> to force the advanced search to use exact matching.
> My question is how can I change this field to 'type' => 'id'
> including any database changes if they are needed (we are using
> MySQL)?  Obviously we edit the eprint_fields.pl file and change the
> definition, but what if anything else needs to be done on the
> database backend to accommodate this change?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> Brian.
> Brian D. Gregg
> Solutions Architect | Manager Systems Development
> University of Pittsburgh | University Library System
> Address: 7500 Thomas Blvd.  Room 129 Pittsburgh, PA
> 15208<https://maps.google.com/maps?q=7500+Thomas+Blvd,+Pittsburgh,+PA&hl=en&sll=41.117935,-77.604698&sspn=7.662465,13.73291&oq=7500+Tho&t=h&hnear=7500+Thomas+Blvd,+Pittsburgh,+Pennsylvania+15208&z=17>
> Tel: (412) 648-3264 | Email:
> bdgregg@pitt.edu<mailto:bdgregg@pitt.edu> | Fax: (412) 648-3585
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