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Message: #03786

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[EP-tech] AGRIS e-Consultation is looking for your participation

******** Apologies for cross-posting ********

The AGRIS E-Consultation is still open for participation. You are invited to share your opinion about AGRIS and to contribute to a continuous improvement as the survey results will be used to further develop AGRIS in 2015. AGRIS (http://agris.fao.org) stands for „International System for Agricultural Science and Technology“ and is a global public domain database with structured bibliographic records on agricultural science and technology.

Here is the link to the survey: http://goo.gl/forms/WG1EEfDweX

Completing this survey will require only 15 minutes of your time and we encourage you to respond to every question so as to get the full picture of the impact. Your privacy is valued and any identifying information will be kept confidential. If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact us at agris@fao.org

Best regards,

Karna Wegner

Information Management Specialist

OPCC – FAO of the United Nations

On behalf of the AGRIS Team
