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Message: #02218

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[EP-tech] Re: Two-stage approval process?

But, strategically, let the deposit be visible and OA immediately, while the "approval 
process" is taking place. It is very frustrating and de-motivating to authors (whom
we are trying to encourage to deposit) not to have instant OA, but to have to wait
for an undeterminate buffer period. -- Mark my words, it makes a huge difference
in deposit rate (and to the compliance rate, if mandated).

Stevan Harnad

On 2013-09-23, at 12:42 PM, Gunnar Wolf <gwolf@gwolf.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been requested to add a stage in the approval process of my
> deposited records; user_roles _almost_ takes me there
> (http://wiki.eprints.org/w/User_roles.pl details how to add a user
> role with "eprint/buffer/move_archive:editor", and that _almost_ but
> not quite gets my request done), but there is a piece I cannot find
> how to specify.
> We need that:
> 1. A 'user' deposits a record
> 2. A 'editor' reviews it, mainly looking for needed metadata changes,
>   and marks it as "ready for acceptance"
> 3. A 'legal_processor' acknowledges we have the needed copyright
>   assignments/permissions, and moves it to the repository
> Steps 2 and 3 would ideally be done independent of each other, as they
> are separate review processes. But I'm willing to serialize
> So, ideally, where editors go to /cgi/users/home?screen=Review, I
> would like to have my 'legal_processor' go to, say,
> /cgi/users/home?screen=LegalOK, and just get those items that are 
> not yet approved by them.
> Thanks for any comments,
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