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Message: #09807

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Re: [EP-tech] Xapian search issue

Hi Lee,

It looks to me as though you may not have Search::Xapian Perl library installed.  On RHEL 8, you will need the YUM/DNF package perl-Search-Xapian.  However, I have noted that on Rocky Linux 8, I have installed through CPAN, even though the YUM/DNF package is available.  (I cannot remember why I did that, it could have been that the YUM/DNF package was not available at the time).  I think either should work, so maybe try the YUM/DNF package first and if that does not work uninstall and install through CPAN. (I would advise running CPAN this as the root user to avoid potential path issues).  

I have version of Search::Xapian installed and I can see reference to DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN, so I think it is likely the whole of Search::Xapian is missing rather than this specific subroutine. 

Another issue if you already have Search::Xapian installed might be that the path that the Xapian index will be created under does not have correct permission to create a subdirectory / files underneath that.  The Xapian indexer will be added with the directory name xapian under the EPRINTS_PATH/archives/ARCHIVE_ID/var/ directory.  My var directory has user:group eprints:eprints and has permissions drwxrwsr-x. (i.e. 2775) but 2770 or even 2700 should also be fine if you are running Apache under the eprints user (for the latter) or have apache in the eprints Unix group.  I am also running SELinux and have the following context for the var directory:



David Newman

On 07/08/2024 10:06, Lee Paton wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.



I’m having issues with the Xapian search on Eprints 3.4.5 on a RHEL 8 system. The simple search returns no results and when I try to index item(s) manually it fails with


No matching function for overloaded 'TermGenerator_index_text' at (eval 164) line 106.


After disabling the Xapian search the simple search returns results from whatever has been indexed so far and the manual index now runs but I see the message


Undefined subroutine &Search::Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN called at (eval 164) line 28.




That routine exists in two places in my repository:





I’ve installed both xapian-core and xapian-bindings manually and again using rpms but the problem persists


Does anyone have any ideas?





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