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Message: #09801

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[EP-tech] MyISAM to InnoDB

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

I'm attempting to convert my test repository database tables from MyISAM to InnoDB. I used the bash script:

It all went well, aside from one table: eprint__ordervalues_en. I'm using this as a dry run for doing the same on Live in the near future.

The error I get is about the rowsize being too large. Usually for this I would alter some column types to something smaller, but still suitable. All the columns in this table are of type "longtext".

I assume I'll eventually change enough fields that it allows me to change the database engine. Is there any danger in this? I'm not sure what this table does compared with the standard "eprint" table. Obviously I'm being careful to change to suitable types based on the data in those columns (e.g. a yes/no field doesn't require longtext, I'd use varchar(10) as that's enough to capture yes/no values).
