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Message: #09799

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[EP-tech] Override 3.4.5 Import plugin

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.


I’m trying to override the way /opt/eprints/flavours/pub_lib/plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Import/DOI.pm checks for duplicates so it includes the review buffer.


Obviously, if I update that file it will work fine, but it also means I’ve changed the core code, which is not good.


I’ve attempted to override it in /opt/eprints/archive/{ARCHIVE_ID]/cfg/plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Import/DOI.pm with and without replacing the function pointers e.g.


package EPrints::Plugin::Import::DOI;

undef &EPrints::Plugin::Import::DOI::input_text_fh;

*EPrints::Plugin::Import::DOI::input_text_fh = \&local_input_text_fh;


and it just doesn’t seem to pick up my code changes.


Please tell me the obvious thing I’m overlooking!

