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Message: #09741

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[EP-tech] Login when opening a new tab

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
Hi everyone,

Another question. We're on EPrints 3.4.4 and use LDAP login. Team members pointed out today that whenever they follow a link to a login-only page they need to log in to the repository again in order to view it even if they have only just logged in. If they paste the link in their address bar it typically works.

My testing so far suggests any login-only link from the browser requires another login. If I follow it from an Excel/notepad file it lets me view the page.

Can anybody nudge me in the right direction for how to start to solve this?

Example of a login-only page that I attempt to view:

The page it takes me to:

I have investigated the user-login.pl script that comes with this version of EPrints, but it's very different to the LDAP scrip that I have in a file of the same name.
