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Message: #09740

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[EP-tech] Irstats CSV Export failed

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
Hi All,

I have a very strange and specific problem with irstats2. I seem to be able to use it as expected, but I am having some difficulty doing an export on the "Requests" (where it shows a map/table of flags) in CSV and XML formats. Strange t works fine with a JSON export. CSV experts work fine under the other view options in IRStats. If you click to export a CSV in the requests window you get an internal server error warning:

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request...

The Apache logs show this around about the time I've tried exports:

  Stats::Handler: requested processor 'countries' does not exist.
[Mon Jul 01 15:00:18.730856 2024] [:error] [pid 1213853] Can't call method "conf" on an undefined value at /opt/eprints3/lib/plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Stats/Data.pm line 200.\n

This is the case across both my live repository and live data catalogue. Both are running on EPrints 3.4.

If anyone could help I would be really grateful as I'm not sure where to start.
