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Message: #09466

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[EP-tech] ORCID Plugin Subroutine run_people_with_orcids redefined

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.



When the ORCID plugin is installed on repository eprints the file “z_orcid_support.pl”  is copied inside archiveID/cfg/cfg.d.

if we have more than one archive we have more than one file z_orcid_support.pl.

In this case the subroutine run_people_with_orcids  appear a lot of  time.

When I restart Apache server, I got the error

Subroutine run_people_with_orcids redefined at (eval 2408) line 171.


I don’t care of this error soon as I want to modify the subroutine in one specific archive. They want ; until , between creator.

Easy to find the line 174 change , to ;  reload configuration work finds.


But if I restart Apache servers, the modification disappears. 

the first  Subroutine run_people_with_orcids find by the server is used for all archives


Do you have any suggestion for this


Thank you,


Mario Beaudoin