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Message: #09465

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[EP-tech] Open Repositories 2024 call for proposals

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
Call for proposals is open for OR 2024, and I hope to see many presentation proposals from the EPrints community.

Please visit the conference website  (https://or2024.openrepositories.org/) to learn more about the sub-themes and submission categories of the conference, including a full list of submission templates and key dates for submission deadlines and approvals.

The theme for the conference is: Empowering Global Progress

We particularly welcome proposals aligned to the overall theme, but also on other administrative, organisational, or practical topics related to digital repositories.
Submission categories include posters, workshops, lightning talks, roundtable discussions, papers, and panels.

The deadline for submissions is the 15th December 2023.

We look forward to the vibrant conversations and learning opportunities of the conference!

Programme Co-Chairs:
Emily Bongiovanni, Carnegie Mellon University
Nora Mulvaney, Toronto Metropolitan University
Urban Andersson, Chalmers University of Technology
Contact: or24-program-chairs@googlegroups.com


Tomasz Neugebauer
Senior Librarian | Bibliothécaire titulaire
Digital Projects & Systems Development Librarian / Bibliothécaire des Projets Numériques & Développement de Systèmes
Concordia University / Université Concordia

Tel. / Tél. 514-848-2424 ext. / poste 7738
Email / courriel:

Mailing address / adresse postale: 1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W., LB-540-03, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
Street address / adresse municipale: 1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W., LB-540-03, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8
