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Message: #09435

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[EP-tech] How to convert metadata input from a radio button to a checkbox

CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
Hello, I'm Fiza. I hope your team could assist me in resolving this matter. I am new to using EPrints EPRINTS RELEASE: 3.3.15, and this metadata  (MyRA Type) has already been created by the IT person back in 2016. I need to convert this metadata input from a radio button to a checkbox, so users can choose more than one MyRA Type.

The question is, how can I achieve this? Also, does changing the input type from a radio button to a checkbox, also require modifications to the database table structure as well?

Below is the design table for the EPrints table in the database:

And below are the phrases edited in the config file:

Thank you in advance.