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Message: #09277

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Re: [EP-tech] Broken apache config

Hi Alan,

I think the problem may be that /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf has defined its own default VirtualHost for port 443.  This may take precedence over any port 443 VirtualHost defned within EPrints.  In the past I have removed the complete VirtualHost block in /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf to fix this.  To make sure all HTTP and HTTPS config for EPrints is loaded by Apache, I have also added the following to a new file called /etc/httpd/conf.d/eprints.conf:

Include /opt/eprints3/cfg/apache.conf
Include /opt/eprints3/archives/*/ssl/securevhost.conf

This assumes you EPrints path is /opt/eprints3/ and you have added a port 443 VirtualHost for HTTPS under at least one archive's ssl/securevhost.conf.


David Newman

On 13/04/2023 6:10 pm, Alan.Stiles [He/Him/They] via Eprints-tech wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.

Okay, sure it’s probably something obvious but I’m not seeing it.

(eprints 3.3.16 customised, RHEL 7)

I’ve been trying to rebuild my dev server with the code from our live environment and somewhere in there I’ve messed up apache such that it now shows me the default page from /var/www/html instead of the eprints repository at /opt/eprints/archives/oro/html/en

(dev is on port 80, though our live server is now running via 80/443)


Any clues where I should poke at as I’m not getting anywhere fast comparing apache .conf files between two environments.




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