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Message: #08885

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Re: [EP-tech] CGI pages branding missing?

Hi all,

== James ==

I think you have spotted one of the pages I have been updating on the wiki recently.  In part this is to help reflect the additions to the directory structure that come with 3.4 but there was also a lot of missing directories that existed in 3.3 if not before.

I assume you were not aware of the instructions for upgrading from 3.3 to 3.4 available at:


These are linked off the wiki's homepage but maybe you did not look at this.  It would be useful to know your process for upgrading to 3.4, so I can make sure this wiki page is linked to from useful places.

== Everyone ==

To save sending out extra emails (and potentially getting this list banned by our organisation's SMTP server again*), I thought I would mention that I have been trying to tidy up, update and improve the wiki, which is proving a herculean task.  However, I have made some progress on:

https://wiki.eprints.org/w/Admin - guide to the admin web interface (e.g. editorial tools, system tools and config. tools)

Although all are still a work in progress  Therefore, any suggestions, particularly missing terms for the glossary would be useful.  (I will be adding descriptions to those currently without them).  It is probably best to send these to me off list (drn@ecs.soton.ac.uk), save risking the list being blocked again due to too many emails.  In addition I have been trying to update the API documentation, which is generated from the POD markup in the code base itself.  Of possibly particular interest, I have linked most of the command line tools in the bin directory to their API pages.  These contain synopses, arguments and options pertaining to how they can be used:



David Newman

*From what I understand, the eprints-tech mailing list although not that frequently used, does get bursts of emails and this was hitting a threshold of number of emails sent to external inboxes in a rolling 7 day period, as there are over 400 list members.  I think any bigger lists tend to have mainly internal list members or are unlikely to ever be used more than once a week.

On 09/03/2022 09:42, James Kerwin via Eprints-tech wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
Hi All,

My original email possibly wasn't sent, but the basic problem was that after my first server OS and EPrints upgrade all looked good until I logged in. All the "internal" pages had the default EPrints branding/layout instead of the one I expected. In case anybody experiences similar confusion I thought I would include the solution I used:

Sorted it and it is explained here:


Apparently new to EPrints 3.4 is the default_internal.xml file in:


To resolve it I copied my default.xml to default_internal.xml and now all seems well!. I appreciate I'm late to the party with moving from 3.3 to 3.4, but should anybody experience similar difficulty with their upgrades, this is it.


On Sat, Mar 5, 2022 at 1:25 AM James Kerwin <jkerwin2101@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi All,

I have recently successfully done my first ever server and EPrints upgrade. Rebuilding the EPrints set-up is going as well as I could hope, but I'm struggling with getting custom CSS/html/JS etc to display on any page that has "cgi" in the url.

E.g. the admin and search pages. Here it remains as the default. On other pages such as homage, EPrints abstracts, views, static it displays with our university branding and custom page layouts, css and so on.

Can anybody tell me what I'm missing? I've been at it all day and can't work out what's happening. I'm confident that all files have been migrated.

Running the "epadmin test" script tells me everything is okay. Any advice would be so helpful.


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