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Message: #08882

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Re: [EP-tech] indexcodes.txt CHECKSUM

Hi Tomasz,

I thought you should be able to do that with epadmin

/opt/eprints/bin/epadmin rehash <ARCHIVEID> <DOCID>

But this does something interesting but not particularly useful to your predicament.  I don't think there is any programmatic way to regenerated the hash for a file at the moment. 

I can see you have generated a GitHub issue for this: https://github.com/eprints/eprints3.4/issues/201

I think this should be an epadmin command line option:

/opt/eprints3/bin/epadmin redo_hashes <archiveid> file <fileid1> <fileid2> ... - Regenerate hashes for all the file ID listed using the current hash type specified or default to md5 (maybe have a flag for the hash type)

/opt/eprints3/bin/epadmin redo_hashes <archiveid> document <docid> - Regenerate hashes for all the files associated with the document with docid. (Allow multiple docids to be specified).

/opt/eprints3/bin/epadmin redo_hashes <archiveid> eprint <eprintid> - Regenerate hashes for all the files associated with all documents associated with eprint with eprintid. (Allow multiple eprintids to be specified).

This is a bit like the redo_mime_type epadmin option but update the hash (and potentially hash_type) rather than the mime_type.

I have updated the GitHub issue to reflect this proposal.


David Newman

On 07/03/2022 4:55 pm, Tomasz Neugebauer via Eprints-tech wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
Hi everyone,

I got an unusual issue in that during export to archivematica, one deposit (out of thousands processed so far without this issue) has an incorrect checksum value stored for the indexcodes.txt file.
How can I get EPrints to re-assign/re-evaluate the indexcodes.txt checksum value?
I tried running epadmin reindex on the eprint, and a new indexcodes.txt file was generated, but the checksum value for it seems not to be updated.
Would "epadmin rehash" on the document do the trick?


PS.  Also, I have the impression that I'm no longer seeing messages from this list in my inbox, anyone else experiencing issues with that?

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