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Message: #08825

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Re: [EP-tech] Eprints 3.4.3 RIOXX2 plugin issue

Hi Lee,

I have not observed any specific issues with the RIOXX2 plugin on EPrints 3.4.3, certainly if you have applied the appropriate patches for known issues in 3.4.3.  As you are upgrading from 3.3 to 3.4 it is likely to be an issue related to this rather than a specific 3.4.3 issue. 

Have you modified any of the RIOXX2 plugin configuration files (e.g. zz_rioxx2.pl)?  I will try a quick test to see whether I can reproduce the problem you are seeing on a 3.4.3 instance, (that was 3.4.3 from its inception rather than upgraded from an earlier version).  It is possible that a change to your configuration could hit an unknown bug in 3.4.3 that was not a problem in earlier versions of EPrints.  Therefore, this issue would likely only effect you.

I can see in the error message reference to EPrints::Config::orca, which presumably is the name of your repository.  This further suggests it may be an issue somewhere in your configuration.  I will need to look further through the apache error log listing you provided.  So I can zero in on where the problem is likely to be.


David Newman

On 12/01/2022 12:01, Lee Paton via Eprints-tech wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.




I’ve just upgraded our development repository from eprints 3.3.12 to 3.4.3 using the rpm (and default flavours tar file) migrating the changes across as in https://wiki.eprints.org/w/Upgrading_3.3.12%2B_to_3.4 and applying patches/changes as described at https://wiki.eprints.org/w/EPrints_3.4.3#Known_Issues. I’ve hit an issue with the RIOXX2 plugin, whenever I try to edit an item I get a “500 internal server error” before anything is rendered in the browser. The apache log shows


[Tue Jan 11 16:34:41.454113 2022] [:error] [pid 2830] Can't call method "isa" on an undefined value at (eval 222) line 8.\n at (eval 222) line 8.\n\t

EPrints::Config::orca::__ANON__('repository', 'EPrints::Repository=HASH(0x5556a03f2fd0)', 'value', 'en', 'dataobj', undef, 'problems', 'ARRAY(0x55569c19d238)', 'field', ...) called at /usr/share/eprints/perl_lib/EPrints/Repository.pm line 1800\n\t

EPrints::Repository::run_trigger('EPrints::Repository=HASH(0x5556a03f2fd0)', 14, 'field', 'EPrints::MetaField::RIOXX2=HASH(0x5556a37d26a8)', 'dataobj', undef, 'value', 'en', 'problems', ...) called at /usr/share/eprints/perl_lib/EPrints/MetaField.pm line 2647\n\t

EPrints::MetaField::validate('EPrints::MetaField::RIOXX2=HASH(0x5556a37d26a8)', 'EPrints::Repository=HASH(0x5556a03f2fd0)', 'en', undef) called at /usr/share/eprints/lib/plugins/EPrints/MetaField/RIOXX2.pm line 55\n\t

EPrints::MetaField::RIOXX2::validate('EPrints::MetaField::RIOXX2=HASH(0x5556a37d26a8)', 'EPrints::Repository=HASH(0x5556a03f2fd0)', 'en') called at /usr/share/eprints/lib/plugins/EPrints/Plugin/InputForm/Component/Field/RIOXX2.pm line 99\n\t

EPrints::Plugin::InputForm::Component::Field::RIOXX2::validate('EPrints::Plugin::InputForm::Component::Field::RIOXX2=HASH(0x5...') called at /usr/share/eprints/perl_lib/EPrints/Workflow/Stage.pm line 206\n\t

EPrints::Workflow::Stage::validate('EPrints::Workflow::Stage=HASH(0x5556a37aac50)', 'EPrints::ScreenProcessor=HASH(0x5556a37c37d0)') called at /usr/share/eprints/perl_lib/EPrints/Plugin/Screen/EPrint/Details.pm line 302\n\t

EPrints::Plugin::Screen::EPrint::Details::render('EPrints::Plugin::Screen::EPrint::Details=HASH(0x55569e6d7640)', 'ep_eprint_view_0') called at /usr/share/eprints/perl_lib/EPrints/Plugin/Screen/EPrint/View.pm line 199\n\t

EPrints::Plugin::Screen::EPrint::View::render('EPrints::Plugin::Screen::EPrint::View=HASH(0x5556a37c86a0)') called at /usr/share/eprints/perl_lib/EPrints/ScreenProcessor.pm line 420\n\t

EPrints::ScreenProcessor::process('EPrints::ScreenProcessor', 'session', 'EPrints::Repository=HASH(0x5556a03f2fd0)', 'template', undef, 'url', '/cgi/users/home') called at /usr/share/eprints/cgi/users/home line 43\n\t

ModPerl::ROOT::ModPerl::Registry::usr_share_eprints_cgi_users_home::handler('Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x5556a3800c70)') called at /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/ModPerl/RegistryCooker.pm line 207\n\t

eval {...} called at /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/ModPerl/RegistryCooker.pm line 207\n\t

ModPerl::RegistryCooker::run('ModPerl::Registry=HASH(0x5556a37d4928)') called at /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/ModPerl/RegistryCooker.pm line 173\n\t

ModPerl::RegistryCooker::default_handler('ModPerl::Registry=HASH(0x5556a37d4928)') called at /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/ModPerl/Registry.pm line 32\n\t

ModPerl::Registry::handler('ModPerl::Registry', 'Apache2::RequestRec=SCALAR(0x5556a3800c70)') called at -e line 0\n\teval {...} called at -e line 0\n


If I disable the plugin the page renders successfully without the rioxx2 tab, if I disable the following:


$c->{plugins}{'InputForm::Component::Field::RIOXX2'}{params}{disable} = 1;


in my local archives zz_rioxx2.pl the edit item page displayed but links to License ref field, Accepted Date and Project are only rendered as text and not a full link, I’ve checked that all the plugin files are where they should be and have even removed and reinstalled the RIOXX2 plugin and the internal server error still happens



Has anyone come across something like this before?







Lee Paton

Senior Server Engineer / Uwch Beiriannydd Gweinyddion

University IT Service / Gwasanaeth TG y Brifysgol

Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd

39-45 Park Place / 39-45 Plas y Parc

Cardiff / Caerdydd

CF10 3BB

Tel / Ffôn: +44 (0)29 2087 0440

Email / E-bost: PatonL@cardiff.ac.uk

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