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Re: [EP-tech] [EXTERNAL] Re: ORCID Support Advance Plugin Query

Hi Catherine,

I got a bit distracted with the disambiguation stuff, as that had been a lot of hassle to sort out, so apologies for not directly answering your question.

The main point of this code is to allow EPrints to push back to ORCID to update the employment or education of the user who connected their EPrints account with ORCID for the purpose of importing and exporting publications/citations.  If you just comment out this whole block (i.e. $c->{"plugins"}->{"Event::OrcidSync"}->{"params"}->{"affiliation"} ), EPrints will not try to update the employment/education of an ORCID connected EPrints user, as it will not have any useful information.  However, if you just leave the configuration unchanged it will basically have the same effect.  It will just make the server do some unnecessary work before ORCID will reject "ZZZZ" as an invalid RINGGOLD ID for an organization that EPrints tries to update the user's ORCID profile with. 

I would advise that commenting out is better than deleting this configuration, as if either you choose to re-instate this later or it causes an unintended side effect, reverting the change only takes a matter of seconds if it is commented out.  Either way, once you have changed the config you will need to reload the webserver for the change to take effect.

Hope this helps

David Newman

On 15/06/2021 16:01, Catherine Ferris wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
Thanks David,
I appreciate this information - it's useful to know, but what I'm trying to ascertain is whether it's possible to bypass the affiliation assertion altogether (not for technical reasons, but strategic reasons).
If the code I referred to below is deleted, will the rest of the plugin still work (reading data, writing publication data) etc while the affiliation data isn't sent?

Dr Catherine Ferris
IReL Open Scholarship Officer
IReL, Maynooth University Library, Co Kildare, W23 VP22, Ireland. 

From: David R Newman <drn@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
Sent: Tuesday 15 June 2021 15:56
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk>; Catherine Ferris <Catherine.Ferris@mu.ie>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [EP-tech] ORCID Support Advance Plugin Query


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Hi Catherine,

I had a similar discussion with ORCID as it was difficult to lookup the RINGGOLD ID for an institution.  They pointed me at this page:


My conclusion if it wasn't that by other means I had found out the RINGGOLD ID for the organizagtion I was setting this up for I would have used the GRID [1] service to set the disambiguated-organization-identifier and disambiguation-source.  It is a little unhelpful that the comment suggests using ISNI, as ORCID say they do not formerly support ISNI.  If you want to use GRID, I believe you want to set something like this:

"disambiguated-organization" => {
    "disambiguated-organization-identifier" => "grid.5491.9",  # GRID ID for University of Southampton
    "disambiguation-source" => "GRID",

Obviously you would need to set the right disambiguated-organization-identifier for your organization.  Also regarding setting the other values under organization.  The values you should set for this would be the same as the O(rganization), L(ocality), S(tate)/Province/County and (C)ountry used on the SSL certificate for your EPrints repository.  E.g.

"name" => "University of Southampton",
"address" => {
    "city" => "Southampton", 
    "region" => "Hampshire",
    "country" => "GB", 


Please let the list know how this goes, in particular to confirm that GRID is the correct value for the "disambiguation-source" as I never got a chance to test this with the organization I worked with because as I previously said, I managed to find out the RINGGOLD ID without needing to sign up for a time-limited free account.  If you only need to setup for your organization, then it might be worth setting up such a RINGGOLD account as you will only need to use it once.  However, I knew I was likely to need to do lookups in the future after the free account would have expired, so did not think it was worth creating an account at the time.


David Newman

[1] https://www.grid.ac/institutes

On 15/06/2021 15:20, Catherine Ferris via Eprints-tech wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.
Hi all,

I was just wondering if anyone could give me some advice on the affiliation section of the ORCID Support Advance Plugin.

If an institution didn't want to send affiliation data to ORCID records, would it be as simple as deleting this section of the code?
#Details of the organization for affiliation inclusion - the easiest way to obtain the RINGGOLD id is to add it to your ORCID user record manually, then pull the orcid-profile via the API and the identifier will be on the record returned.
$c->{"plugins"}->{"Event::OrcidSync"}->{"params"}->{"affiliation"} = {
                                                "organization" => {
                                                        "name" => "My University Name", #name of organization - REQUIRED
                                                        "address" => {
                                                                "city" => "My Town",  # name of the town / city for the organization - REQUIRED if address included
                                                        #       "region" => "Countyshire",  # region e.g. county / state / province - OPTIONAL
                                                                "country" => "GB",  # 2 letter country code - AU, GB, IE, NZ, US, etc. - REQUIRED if address included
                                                        "disambiguated-organization" => {
                                                                "disambiguated-organization-identifier" => "ZZZZ",  # replace ZZZZ with Institutional identifier from the recognised source
                                                                "disambiguation-source" => "RINGGOLD", # Source for institutional identifier should be RINGGOLD or ISNI
Would there be any unintended repercussions from doing that?

With thanks,

Dr Catherine Ferris
IReL Open Scholarship Officer
IReL, Maynooth University Library, Co Kildare, W23 VP22, Ireland. 

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