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Message: #08421
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Re: [EP-tech] Word Documents won't download
- To: James Kerwin <jkerwin2101@gmail.com>
- Subject: Re: [EP-tech] Word Documents won't download
- From: David R Newman <drn@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
- Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2021 17:02:17 +0000
Hi James,
You should note that the whiterose URL is http rather than https. I have tested (on Chrome) the same URL I was testing before but with http rather than https and this worked just fine. This is starting to suggest to me some security feature (albeit maybe a bit broken) within Chrome. From the depths of my brain I am vaguely recall some issue to do with content length mismatches that exhibited similar symptoms.
David Newman
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.Hi David,
Thanks for your response. it's good to know it's not just me (although I did ask my family to also attempt to download it and they all struggled).
To add to the confusion, this item on the White Rose repository downloads fine. Unless Mr Salter has some different setup, I'm afraid it only adds to my quiet terror:
What I have noticed is that his filenames in the word documents have no spaces. I'm currently mooching through our EPrints database for a doc(x) file that also avoids spaces. This isn't the most scientific way to work it out, but I'm hoping it yields some results...
This sort of problem landing at my feet on the first day back at work should be considered some sort of abuse of my human rights!
If by some miracle I find a cause or solution I will share it.
On Mon, Jan 4, 2021 at 4:45 PM David R Newman <drn@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:
Hi James,
I see the same behaviour on your repository for the Word document on the URL you provided. Similarly it works fine on FireFox but has problems on Chrome when you click on the link and don't try to download it another tab. Oddly, if I try a second time I get a popup asking me if I want to allow downloads of multiple files. I have tested on a different repository and I see the same issue with both .doc and .docx files. I suspect there may be issues with all application/... mime type files. My best guess is this is a new security feature from Chrome. It may be something that requires tweaking Apache's configuration or possibly even something within EPrints.
I have also tested on Edge and Opera (all browsers running on Windows 10) and I do not have any issues either. The Chrome version I am running is 87.0.4280.88, this looks to have been released at the beginning of December. I do not know when my browser upgraded but there are currently no knew updates available for Chrome according to my browser's "About Google Chrome" page. I will continue to investigate and get back to the list if I find out anything more.
David Newman
On 04/01/2021 15:54, James Kerwin via Eprints-tech wrote:
CAUTION: This e-mail originated outside the University of Southampton.Hi All,
Happy new year etc. Hope everyone is well.
I have a problem that has appeared today and it was fine before 18/12/2020 (as in it worked as expected).
Word documents are not downloading on the repository when using Chrome. If I right the download link and open it in a new tab it works and the file is downloaded. PDFs are behaving fine. If I use FireFox and click the download link the file will download, but it does prompt me whether I want to save or open (this is fine, I don't use FF much so I won't click the "don't ask again" option).
In Elements on both Chrome and FF the file will not download. PDFs are downloading through Elements fine.
Is there a likely cause for this? Some sort of update to some obscure working of the internet?
Example record:
Any help will be gratefully received. I'm totally confused by it and don't know where to start.
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Virus-free. www.avg.com
- References:
- [EP-tech] Word Documents won't download
- From: James Kerwin <jkerwin2101@gmail.com>
- Re: [EP-tech] Word Documents won't download
- From: James Kerwin <jkerwin2101@gmail.com>
- [EP-tech] Word Documents won't download
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