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Message: #08332

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Re: [EP-tech] New Item issue

Hi Gareth,

inbox, a subset of the EPrint dataset does not by default have a MetaField with the name license.  The license field is typically in the Document dataset and not the EPrint dataset.  Maybe at some point you added license to the EPrint dataset for some reason and then it got removed.  You would typically find this in your archives cfg/cfg.d/eprint_fields.pl file.  More likely is that license field has been defined as a field for EPrint data objects (dataobj) but you have not run "epadmin update <ARCHIVE_NAME>" to add this new field.  I would grep over your archive's  cfg/cfg.d/ directory for license.

grep "license" EPRINTS_PATH/archives/ARCHIVE_NAME/cfg/cfg.d/

substituting EPRINTS_PATH And ARCHIVE_NAME as appropriate.  This will allow you hopefully work out why this extra field was added to the EPrint dataobj.


David Newman

On 07/10/2020 17:15, Gareth Morgan via Eprints-tech wrote:

Users cant seem to create New Item in Manage Deposits, error in logs


--------------- EPrints System Error ----------------------------


Attempt to get value from not existent field: inbox/license


at /usr/share/eprints/perl_lib/EPrints/DataObj.pm line 770.

        EPrints::DataObj::get_value(EPrints::DataObj::EPrint=HASH(0x5645e24d39a0), "license") called$

        EPrints::DataObj::value(EPrints::DataObj::EPrint=HASH(0x5645e24d39a0), "license") called at $

        EPrints::Config::dundalk::__ANON__(EPrints::DataObj::EPrint=HASH(0x5645e24d39a0)) called at $

        eval {...} called at /usr/share/eprints/perl_lib/EPrints/Repository.pm line 1864

        EPrints::Repository::call(EPrints::Repository=HASH(0x5645e1278810), "set_eprint_automatic_fi$

        EPrints::DataObj::update_triggers(EPrints::DataObj::EPrint=HASH(0x5645e24d39a0)) called at /$

        EPrints::DataObj::EPrint::update_triggers(EPrints::DataObj::EPrint=HASH(0x5645e24d39a0)) cal$

        EPrints::DataObj::EPrint::create_from_data("EPrints::DataObj::EPrint", EPrints::Repository=H$

        EPrints::DataSet::create_dataobj(EPrints::DataSet=HASH(0x5645de402118), HASH(0x5645e2517dc8)$

        EPrints::DataSet::create_object(EPrints::DataSet=HASH(0x5645de402118), EPrints::Repository=H$


        EPrints::Plugin::Screen::from(EPrints::Plugin::Screen::NewEPrint=HASH(0x5645e251cd80)) calle$

        EPrints::ScreenProcessor::process("EPrints::ScreenProcessor", "session", EPrints::Repository$


        eval {...} called at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.26/ModPerl/RegistryCooker.pm line 207


any ideas??


Gareth Morgan

Teicniúil Oifigeach, Seirbhísí Ríomhaireachta

Technical Officer, Computer Services


T. 042 9370200 ext 2764    E. gareth.morgan@dkit.ie    W. www.dkit.ie




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