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Message: #08282

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Re: [EP-tech] Issue with Version 3.4.1

Hi Gareth,

The issue is that you don't seem to have a flavour set in your configuration.  Typically this would be stored in the archive's cfg/cfg.d/00_flavour.pl.  This should have been created when you create the archive if it started out as a 3.4.x repository or you would have manually had to add this in your upgrade from 3.3.x.  Assuming you want a publications repository.  If this file does not exist you will want to create it and add the line:

$c->{flavour} = 'pub';

I am not quite sure how this would have been working before and then break after some OS upgrades.  Did you install EPrints from the Debian repository at http://deb.eprints.org/3.4/ or did you install it from source or the standalone DEB package available from files.eprints.org?


David Newman

On 04/08/2020 17:18, Gareth Morgan via Eprints-tech wrote:

Hi All


I have an issue which seemed to only start about a week ago.  I am thinking the reason may be down to updates being installed on the OS.


I am running version 3.4.1 on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS.


Apache Service will not start up and getting following error when I run epadmin test


Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at /usr/share/eprints/bin/../perl_lib/EPrints/Repository.pm line 1358, <DATA> line 755.




Gareth Morgan

Teicniúil Oifigeach, Seirbhísí Ríomhaireachta

Technical Officer, Computer Services


T. 042 9370200 ext 2764    E. gareth.morgan@dkit.ie    W. www.dkit.ie




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