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Message: #08175

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Re: [EP-tech] 'help Cant Upload file'

Hi Aris,

There could be a number of reason for this.  Have you never been able to upload files or has it only just stopped working.  If so can you think of any changes you may have made to the EPrints codebase or configuration (i.e. edited EPrints files from the command line) or any changes you have made to the webserver's Apache configuration?

I have seen this exact problem a couple of time recently.  One reason was due to having the following line in the Apache configuration:

Header always set X-Frame-Options DENY

This needs to be changed to:

Header always set X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN

However, I think this unlikely to ne the issue as the original DENY line would have had to have been deliberately configured.  The most likely reason is just a general issue with the _javascript_ for your EPrints repository.  Most web browsers will allow you too look at the _javascript_ console.  On FireFox this is under the main menu (i.e. the three horizontal bars), go Web Developer and the Web Console.  With the console page displayed, reload the original page and try uploading a file and see if any errors are displayed on the console page.  If you could report these back, I may be able to advise on what you need to do to fix this.


David Newman

On 22/05/2020 09:05, Aris Kurniawan via Eprints-tech wrote:
the problem of uploading files, when I try to upload files always fails, I show in the picture below

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