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Message: #08162

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Re: [EP-tech] Removing all user accounts with no deposits

Hi Martin,

My bad! I was using some obfuscated Perl there.  In this case the Diamond operator:


The shift removes the repo ID so the Diamond operator only tries to open the file named in the second argument.  The Diamond operator reads a line at a time, that is why I said the user IDs need to be new line separated in this file.


David Newman

On 12/05/2020 15:35, Martin Hawksey wrote:
Hi David,

Thanks for getting back to me, the script looks ideal. Sorry for a follow-up perl question but I can see in the shared script how:
my $repoid = shift @ARGV;
would get the repository name and remove ARCHIVE_NAME from @ARGV but where in the script does it open the file of new line separated user IDs?
Many thanks

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