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Message: #08025

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Re: [EP-tech] eprints XFF header

Hi Maher,

I am not aware of anything with EPrints that would prevent you using a standard approach to acheiving Apache logging of client IP addresses when using a load balancer.  There are plenty of guides online giving advice about how to do this, such as:


For the purposes of determining the IP address for the access table in the EPrints database, which logs views of summary/abstract pages and downloads of publication documents, it should determine the originating IP address.  Therefore, if you have the IRStats2 Bazaar plugin, your stats page should accurately reflect from where requests are actually coming.


David Newman

On 11/11/2019 09:03, Maher Abdellatif Ahmad Qahwash via Eprints-tech wrote:



Our Eprints (3.4.1) server is behind the F5 LB, and the client IP’s are available in the XFF header. As per our policy requirement, we need to log these IP’s in the apache access log. Can someone guide me on how to do that? Also do the eprints application uses XFF header or not?




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