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Message: #07949

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Re: [EP-tech] Differences of Date

Hi Muizzudin,

Date Deposited: The date the publication became live (i.e. eprint record became publicly accessible) in your repository.

Last Modified:  The date the eprint record was last updated. (i.e. a field in the eprint record changed.  Typically by user edit but sometimes by an automated script).

Last State Change:  An eprint by default can have one of four states: user inbox, review buffer, live archive and retired.  This date is the last time the eprint record changed between one of these two states.

Hope this helps.


David Newman

On 13/08/2019 09:07, MUIZZUDIN BIN KASPOL / PSAS via Eprints-tech wrote:

I just want to clarify some issues regarding 3 dates dan timestamps in Eprints. Can someone explain to me what is the differences between:-
  1. Date Deposited;
  2. Last Modified;
  3. Last Status Change;


Muizzudin Kaspol
Universiti Putra Malaysia

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