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Message: #07912

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Re: [EP-tech] File Size Limit

Hi James,

As you will circumvent any Javascript on the upload form that will
restrict the file size of your upload.  As you do not have an upload.pl
then you should not have this restriction.  Although it may appear
somewhere else, so it is worth grepping for "upload_limit" in your
archive's cfg/ and cgi/ directories and core directories under the
EPrints path such as lib, perl_lib (site_lib, if you have it) and cgi.

I am not aware of anywhere else in 3.3.12+ EPrints that would restrict
your max upload limit.  That said, Apache 2.4.x does not have any max
upload limit set by default as far as I am aware.  LimitRequestBody is
the only option that might be an issue but the default is to set no

What is the size of file you are having problems with and what is the
biggest file you can successfully upload?  What sort of time are these
files taking to upload? As it could be a timeout issue.


David Newman

On Mon, 2019-07-08 at 12:13 +0100, James Kerwin via Eprints-tech wrote:
> Hi All,
> Our setup is Elements feeding Eprints via RT1.
> Somebody is attempting to upload some larger-then-usual files and
> we're having difficulty getting them to upload. I'm assuming it's due
> to the file size and that there's a limit somewhere. We don't have an
> upload.pl in the local repo config. I've looked at the usual
> locations in the Apache config and can't find anything.
> If my hunch about the file size limit is correct, where should I
> look? the EPrints side of things or Apache?
> Thanks,
> James
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