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Message: #07822

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Re: [EP-tech] Disabling/hiding email field in eprint form

Hi Stefan,

It is likely the change you made will have broken the script at
EPRINTS_PATH/cgi/users/lookup/name.  You should copy this to
EPRINTS_PATH/archives/ARCHIVE_NAME/cgi/users/lookup/name and edit
remove any reference to creators_id or things derived from this.

Unfortunately, it is not particularly straightforward to advise on how
to exactly modify the file so it will work but if you have a working
understanding of SQL and Perl you should be able to figure this out.

Does anyone already have a modified cgi/users/lookup/name for this
purpose, it seems like something many repositories may need.


David Newman

On Mon, 2019-05-13 at 15:22 +0000, Stefan Wellsandt via Eprints-tech
> Hello,
> I want to hide/disable the email address for authors in the workflow.
> I tried to remove the sub-field in the eprints_fields file but that
> also seems to disable the auto-complete feature. Does anyone have an
> idea how to hide the field without breaking the auto-complete?
> Best regards
> Stefan
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