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Message: #07817

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Re: [EP-tech] EPrints DataCite Plugin

Hi Michael,

There are a number of issues that have been fixed with this plugin
based on looking at:


Which version of the DataCiteDoi plugin are you using and what
operating system (e.g. RHEL 7, Ubuntu 16.04, etc.) is your EPrints
repository running on.

This seems likely a likely issue:


However, I assume you have not recently changed your EPrints repository
OS, so I am not sure how minting DOIs would have stopped working
without you deliberately upgrading the OS.

Also can you check your indexer log (EPRINTS_PATH/var/indexer.log) for
error message straight after trying to mint/coin a DOI.  Make sure any
failed tasks for minting a DOI for the same EPrint have been deleted
otherwise it is likely the task will not be created.


David Newman

On Mon, 2019-05-13 at 13:28 +0000, Whitton M.J. via Eprints-tech wrote:
> Has anyone had problems with the DataCiteDoi plugin recently (2019
> onwards)? We've had it working well for us until sometime in January
> - we discovered it was silently failing (deleting the task  from the
> que, despite no DOI having been registered). The ePrints produced xml
> works perfectly in the Fabrica User Interface.
> If this is something to do with changes in the DataCite API I assume
> others would have experienced this, and/or fixed/changed something to
> deal with this. It's also possible this is somehow linked  to
> something unique about our set up. Our IT department hasn’t had time
> to investigate this issue in depth yet.
> Michael
> ----------------------
> Michael Whitton
> Research Engagement Librarian: Bibliometrics & School of Mathematical
> Sciences
> Library
> University of Southampton
> Room 4071, Building 36, Highfield Campus
> Southampton SO17 1BJ
> Tel: +44 (0)23 8059 2709
> m.whitton@soton.ac.uk
> https://www.southampton.ac.uk/library/
> Orcid | LinkedIn
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