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Message: #07073

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Re: [EP-tech] Browse by year - papers missing

Hi Surendra,

It is recommended that you have cron job that runs generate_views every night.  First check the following command line resolves your issue (substituting EPRINTS_PATH and ARCHIVE_NAME as appropriate):

EPRINTS_PATH/bin/generate_views ARCHIVE_NAME --menus

If so, as the eprints user run "crontab -e" and add the following line (again substituting as appropriate):

0 2 * * * EPRINTS_PATH/bin/generate_views ARCHIVE_NAME --menus

This will only generate the menu pages, like the page you described but the actual publications listing pages linked off this pages should automatically expire and be refreshed on a regular basis.


David Newman

On 09/01/2018 04:27, Surendra K. Nayak [MAHE] wrote:

Dear All


Under browse by year category the 2017 papers are not visible. Only recent 5 papers are visible. How to get back that. http//eprints.manipal.edu


Thanks and Regards


Surendra Nayak


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