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Message: #06843

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Re: [EP-tech] Importing ROARMAP in Wikidata

Trick?! How sordid. I think you’ll find that’s an official data management technique :-)

> On 18 Sep 2017, at 10:49, Antonin Delpeuch <antonin@delpeuch.eu> wrote:
> Awesome! Thanks a lot for the trick, it works indeed.
> Best regards,
> Antonin
> On 17/09/2017 16:39, Leslie Carr wrote:
>> I think yiou can get all the data by doing an advanced search and asking for all the results in EP3-XML. (It’s a dropdown menu.)
>> Here for example, are all the European policies
>> —
>> Les Carr
>>> On 8 Sep 2017, at 13:22, Antonin Delpeuch <antonin@delpeuch.eu> wrote:
>>> Dear Stevan,
>>> Thank you very much for the introduction!
>>> Dear Les,
>>> On Wikidata's side, everything is ready for the import, as we have just
>>> got a property to store ROARMAP ids. This is how it looks on an example:
>>> https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q15102911#identifiers
>>> Now all we need is the data, to import more of these ids. I realize some
>>> consumers of your data use screen scraping rather than an actual API
>>> (for instance, http://oa-check.nexacenter.org/ ). Is this the preferred
>>> way to extract data?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Antonin
>>> On 28/08/2017 13:31, Stevan Harnad wrote:
>>>> Dear Antonin,
>>>> We will be happy to help in any way we can to tighten links between Wikidata and ROARMAP.
>>>> I am branching this to Professor Les Carr who will I hope know how to get you an up-to-date dump of ROARMAP.
>>>> Please let me know when you have received what you need.
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Stevan Harnad,
>>>> Professor Emeritus
>>>> ECS, University of Southampton
>>>>> On Aug 26, 2017, at 5:12 PM, Antonin Delpeuch <antonin@delpeuch.eu> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Stevan,
>>>>> As part of the WikiCite initiative, I would be interested in creating
>>>>> tighter links between Wikidata and ROARMAP.
>>>>> WikiCite is a project to represent scholarly metadata in Linked Open
>>>>> Data, and has been using Wikidata as a backend. We believe such a
>>>>> resource could be extremely beneficial to the community. As part of this
>>>>> effort, I focus on infrastructure for open access (for instance, I run
>>>>> https://tools.wmflabs.org/oabot/ ).
>>>>> One important piece of infrastructure for open access is your repository
>>>>> of open access mandates, ROARMAP. Importing it into Wikidata would allow
>>>>> to link policies to the records of the universities which have adopted
>>>>> them, which are in turn linked to their faculty members, their
>>>>> publications, and many other items. That would potentially allow for
>>>>> very interesting queries and visualizations.
>>>>> Therefore, I wonder if there is any way to get an up-to-date dump of
>>>>> ROARMAP? I have seen your OAI-PMH interface but it does not seem to
>>>>> expose the full content of records.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Antonin Delpeuch