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Re: [EP-tech] ROARMAP-questions and german policy-updates

Dear Verena,

I have transferred ownership to verena.wohlleben   where you are listed as verena.wohlleben@gmx.de and not as v.wohlleben@posteo.de but when I returned the data to you for updating the mail bounced.


On Sep 17, 2017, at 1:08 PM, v.wohlleben@posteo.de wrote:

Dear Stevan and Leslie,

Thank you for your quick response.

No, i don't have ownership yet to make the policy updates for Bielefeld, Helmholtz and Berlin but you can record ownership to me. The ISN-entry should be deleted because the institute has no policy.

Best wishes,

Am 17.09.2017 16:17 schrieb Stevan Harnad:
Dear Verena,
You wrote:
On Sep 17, 2017, at 5:51 AM, v.wohlleben@posteo.de wrote:
Dear Stevan,
I have some policy-updates and want to ask some questions:
My questions:
1. These two universities i can't find about ROARMAPs search box and
i don't know why: Saarland University
(http://roarmap.eprints.org/1327/ [1]) and Bauhaus-Universität
Weimar (http://roarmap.eprints.org/1316/ [2]).
I don’t know why the search function does not find some registered
items in ROARMAP. I have been noticing it elsewhere too, in ROARMAP as
well as ROAR. I hope the eprints team will be able to find and fix the
problem. I am CC’in this t Professor Carr.
2. The "Last revision-date": does it mean the last policy-revision
or the last time the ROARMAP-entry was updated?
It should be policy revision date, not site update date.
3. The universities of Chemnitz and Göttingen adopted their
policies in 2005/2006. Chemnitz revised the policy in 2015, the
ROARMAP-entry (http://roarmap.eprints.org/834/ [3]) is correct, the
linked website is the new policy which contains the first one as
PDF. Göttingen (http://roarmap.eprints.org/156/ [4]) adopted a new
policy, it doesn't refer to the first one:
This website entries both policies (2016-policy only in german
version, also at the english version of the website):
Is there a possibility to register two or more policy-urls in
Again, I have to refer this to the eprints team that is in charge of
ROARMAP. I know that the eprints software is capable of this, in
4. My last question concern to "Funding for APCs where charged by
journals" and "APC fund URL": what do i do with a discontinued
publication fund?
The fund of the University of Düsseldorf
(http://roarmap.eprints.org/1227/ [7]) ceased to exist in 2014:
http://www.openaccess.hhu.de/open-access-fonds.html [8]
There is no category for this, so I would indicate No and perhaps
mention it in a note to the policy document, that there had been a
fund from X to X date, and then it was discontinued. (That was the
right thing to do, by the way: there should never have been a fund!)
For the policy updates below, I assume you will make them, or have
made them. We cannot do the updates for you. All I can do is assign
the record ownership to you.
Best wishes,
The policy updates:
1. Bielefeld University
http://roarmap.eprints.org/151/ [9]
Policy-URL: http://oa.uni-bielefeld.de/resolution.html
2. Helmholtz Association
Policy-URL includes "Open Access Policy of the Initiative and
Networking Fund" (2013) and "Open Access Policy of the Helmholtz
Association" (2016):
Repositry-URL -> Helmholtz-organisations run their own repositories,
listed here:
APC fund URL (where available) -> Helmholtz-organisations run their
own open access publishing funds, guidelines listed here:
3. Humboldt University Berlin
4. Institute for Science Networking Oldenburg (ISN)
The institute has no OA-Policy, the linked document in "Policy-URL"
is a paper about open access. The ISN helps institutions to set up
an institional repository; description only available in german:
Best wishes,
[1] http://roarmap.eprints.org/1327/
[2] http://roarmap.eprints.org/1316/
[3] http://roarmap.eprints.org/834/
[4] http://roarmap.eprints.org/156/
[7] http://roarmap.eprints.org/1227/
[8] http://www.openaccess.hhu.de/open-access-fonds.html
[9] http://roarmap.eprints.org/151/