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Message: #06673

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Re: [EP-tech] Is EPrints 3.4 and beyond open source software?

I compared tar.gz with supposed version 3.4 and it's not full installable version like code on github is. It's missing default config, and bunch of plugins and brings just one additional feature which seems to implement different plugins or templates for part of url on same repository.

My assumption is that this .tar.gz is created from installed eprints version and not from source code repository.

Having said that, I don't really understand how code can be under LGPLv3 and have non-distribution attached to it. If I did, I could push it to github, so you can have a look yourself.

On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 6:17 PM, Patrick McSweeney <pm5@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:
I will not support upgrading the soton repository to a version which is not open source and if eprints services are so short sighted as to think i will pay for a support contract for an non open code base then they are gravelly mistaken. they have quietly withdraw my edshare code from files.eprints.org and now claim they are the only provider. changing the licence og edshare without my concent would be illegal. the audacity of it withdrawing the code from circulation pisses me off. the support i receive from eprints services is shit so if they are no longer a way to pay to support an open source project i wont be paying.

im up for a fork to keep eprints open source. i think if eprints services were less useless they would probably find they can use one of well understood open source business models to turn a profit.

Open access publications in an open source software platform or go home.


On Jun 29, 2017 9:58 AM, "Ian Stuart" <Ian.Stuart@ed.ac.uk> wrote:
Looking at the list of creators:
Tim Brody, Chris Gutteridge, David Tarrant, Seb Francois, mike Jewell,
Tim Miles-Board, Jiadi Yao, and Justin Bradley

..... who's _actually_ working on the code these days?

On 29/06/17 09:36, John Salter wrote:
>> *THAT* is why 3.4 is so slow
> But doesn't explain why the code has been released as a tgz (Preview2 = http://files.eprints.org/1103/), but the code is *not* on e.g. GitHub.

Ian Stuart.
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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