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Message: #06415

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[EP-tech] Training video: add a field

Dear all,

I've followed the instructions of the training video (https://wiki.eprints.org/w/Training_Video:Add_A_Field) for add a new field to my repository, but when I run </usr/share/eprints3/bin/epadmin update ssab> (ssab is my repositoryID) I recieve this error: "Bareword "eprint" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /usr/share/eprints3/archives/ssab/cfg/cfg.d/z_local_eprints_fields.pl line 1." .
Can anyone offer any solutions?
Many Thanks,
Mario Santanché

Dipartimento di Scienze documentarie, linguistico-filologiche e geografiche
Università di Roma
Viale Regina Elena, 295, 00161 Roma