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Message: #05225

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[EP-tech] Re: undefined value error

Not seen this before.  Does this script work:

#!/usr/bin/perl -I/usr/share/eprints3/perl_lib

use strict;
use warnings;

use EPrints;

my $ep = EPrints->new();
my $repo = $ep->repository( "myrepository" );
my $eprint = $repo->eprint( 1 );
$eprint->set_value ("title", "a value");

I test-ran it on a 3.3.12 repository, and it worked.  First run as above, and then change the set_value line to use the new field.

Adam Field
Business Relationship Manager and Community Lead
EPrints Services
+44 (0)23 8059 8814

On 3 Dec 2015, at 11:43, Alan.Stiles wrote:

> Has anyone seen / solved an issue like this?
> I’m building a command-line routine (in 3.3.10) to update a new field on eprints. The field exists in the dataset, as seen in MySQL workbench.
> It works fine for most of the eprints I’m updating, but some of them cause the routine to fail with the following message:
> Can't call method "current_repository" on an undefined value at /opt/eprints3/perl_lib/EPrints/BackCompatibility.pm line 443.
> My raft of debug statements have narrowed it down to a call to $eprint->commit;
> …
> my $eprint = $repository->eprint($eprint_id);
> if (defined($eprint))
> {
> $eprint->set_value ("new_field_name", “a value");
> print STDERR "debug 4, ".$eprint->get_value("new_field_name").", ";
> $eprint->commit ;
> print STDERR "debug 5\n";
> }
> …
> And the output on STDERR is
> debug 4, a value, Can't call method "current_repository" on an undefined value at /opt/eprints3/perl_lib/EPrints/BackCompatibility.pm line 443.
> Any clues?  This is on a dev server, so something might be missing from another table?  Everything looks the same in the eprints table as records that worked.
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