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Message: #05224

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[EP-tech] undefined value error

Has anyone seen / solved an issue like this?


I’m building a command-line routine (in 3.3.10) to update a new field on eprints. The field exists in the dataset, as seen in MySQL workbench.

It works fine for most of the eprints I’m updating, but some of them cause the routine to fail with the following message:


Can't call method "current_repository" on an undefined value at /opt/eprints3/perl_lib/EPrints/BackCompatibility.pm line 443.



My raft of debug statements have narrowed it down to a call to $eprint->commit;


my $eprint = $repository->eprint($eprint_id);

if (defined($eprint))


$eprint->set_value ("new_field_name", “a value");

print STDERR "debug 4, ".$eprint->get_value("new_field_name").", ";

$eprint->commit ;

print STDERR "debug 5\n";



And the output on STDERR is


debug 4, a value, Can't call method "current_repository" on an undefined value at /opt/eprints3/perl_lib/EPrints/BackCompatibility.pm line 443.


Any clues?  This is on a dev server, so something might be missing from another table?  Everything looks the same in the eprints table as records that worked.

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