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Message: #05027

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[EP-tech] Re: User Login failure after upgrading from Eprints 3.3.3 to 3.3.14

>  My problem is I don't know which rights to play around with, if the error I am getting is related to rights.
for the executing user 2 access bits have to be set: read + execute ... thus as root
- check the group your executer belongs to -> EXEgroup
- check, that the owner EprintsOwner of all relevant files belongs to EXEgroup
- check, that all relevant files are owned by EprintsOwner
find <PathToEprints> ! -user <EprintsOwner>
- search for files rejecting the necessary access:
find <PathToEprints> -user <EprintsOwner> ! -perm -u=r,g=r
- add the necessary access:
find <PathToEprints> -user <EprintsOwner> ! -perm -u=r,g=r -exec chmod ug+r {} \;
- add execution bit only if necessary
find <PathToEprints> -user <EprintsOwner> \( -type d -o -type f -perm /u=x \) ! -perm -u=x,g=x -exec chmod ug+x {} \;

Good luck